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July Birthstone : RUBY

The ruby is the July birthstone, and it also happens to be one of the most valuable and highly sought after gemstones in the world. Named after ruber, the Latin word for red, the ruby is d…

Avoid Diamond Scams!

When it comes to diamonds, there are numerous scams to avoid. Most scams are minor, but there are some major ones that come up from time to time concerning the buying and selling of diamond…

Gemstones – Girl’s New Best Friend?

Colorful gemstones are just anybody’s dream to have. Their natural colors more than match your very fashionable dresses. Their sheer range could strike you spell bound. Gemstones are precio…

Pearls - Jewels of the Sea

Pearls are the traditional Birthstone of June . They are believed to be one of the oldest known gem stones and we don’t really know when people started harvesting them. Pearls were the fir…

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